Please review the applicable HSE Updates.
- ERP Drills:
- All staff are required to review and sign-off the ERP for their branch. See SiteDocs or contact for details.
- Company Safety Meeting Presentation: deadline: second Friday of each month for the previous month
- If you have not already done so by the deadline, please review the attached Company Safety Meeting on SiteDocs to indicate you have reviewed it. If the deadline has passed – you missed it but are still expected to review and sign-off the presentation in SiteDocs.
- H&S Bulletin: Answer due by 8am last Friday of the month (Fri 31 May 2024 this month)
- See attached: May 2024 Health and Safety Bulletin
- Health and Safety Committee: Next Meeting: usually Thurs before last Fri of the month (30 May 2024)
- If you can’t join the HSC meetings, you can still participate by providing feedback, questions, or concerns to Please submit feedback prior to the next meeting so it can be brought forward.
- The HSC meets the last Thursday of each month at 1pm via Teams
- Previous HSC Meeting Minutes can be found in the Teams Channel.
- Safety Rewards Program: Where your commitment to RAE’s Safety Culture is rewarded!
- April PRC winners: Submit more cards! Be specific in how your coworkers are contributing to safety!
- $500 Best Card Winner: Santosh Gangadharan
- $100 Safety PRC Draw: Kevin Floyd
- If you have any questions or concerns about the Safety Rewards Program, or would like to sign-up to do a presentation, please email
- April PRC winners: Submit more cards! Be specific in how your coworkers are contributing to safety!
- Peer Recognitions: Due by Company Safety Meeting each month